Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Leash Laws are for YOUR dog's protection, not mine

He sleeps on his back like a Human.  He's also dangerous like a Human.  That's why I leash him outdoors.

According to Chicago City Ordinance under the 'Animal Under Restraint' provision, "The owner of a dog must restrain his or her animal by a leash, confined within a crate, cage or vehicle, or confined on the owner's premises."

Today, Kemo and I strolled out into the alley for our morning walk as we do every morning.  Unfortunately, I can't walk him anywhere normal during daylight hours.  Also unfortunate is when an individual assumes they have so much control over their dog, that they let him/her roam freely without leash.  In the same sense that humans are unpredictable when they feel their life may be in danger, animals (which are unpredictable even without the fear of death looming) happen to be equally unpredictable under pressure.

Much to my absolute horror, a man was 'walking' his Cocker Spaniel in the alley.  Kemo wears a medieval-looking pinch collar and a superleash about an inch in diameter.   This Cocker Spaniel was prancing around like a show dog off leash.  For some reason, Kemo's death growl wasn't enough to turn this little dog away--ironic as I've seen it send Great Danes running.  This dog ran up to Kemo, who lost his mind.  I tried to evacuate him as fast as possible, but when he goes crazy, he forgets the subtle pain of the leash.  

I somehow managed to get Kemo back to my house without a Cocker Spaniel in his mouth.  The dog followed us all the way to the back door.  His owner stood leisurely in the alley watching me frantically drag Kemo back the whole way.

For the sake of YOUR dog, please follow leash laws.  I would never let my little monster threaten your pet.  Please don't give my dog the fruit of the crime--a delicious unleashed dog--that could have him put down.

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