It seems fit and proper that I share Okemo's background, given that this is a blog about him.
I'd say its too bad he can't read this, but the little self-absorbed bastard probably wouldn't even appreciate the recognition. He'd likely just say, "Yeah: Im a badass from the wrong side of the tracks, turned handsome-doggie-blog-star. What of it?"
FYI: Much of the following is paraphrased, or directly quoted from the rescue organization, Guardians of Rescue, that facilitated his travel to the US--I figured their account of the story is probably pretty accurate, as they're the group that helped draft it.
Okemo was found outside of Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan (main airbase in AFG/the only place you could get a Whopper in AFG) in October 2010 by a soldier from Vermont, when he was only a few weeks old. He was matted, infested with fleas, and emaciated. The soldier brought him back to base to stabilize his condition. He shaved him down completely, which prompted other soldiers to give him the nickname "Chemo" because, "they all thought of him as their little patient" (those were the rescue organizations words; realistically, they called him Chemo because soldiers are sick SOB's (in a good healthy way)).
Post-deployment, the soldier that found him brought him back to Vermont. Unfortunately, the soldier had some readjustment issues--namely an inability to find steady employment--which rendered him less-than-capable of providing the life he wanted for Kemo (the 'k' makes it less offensive... somehow). He quickly found himself having to move back in with his family, who couldn't bring Kemo into their home already populated with other pets and small children (Kemo's favorite food groups).
Kemo was stuck at a local shelter for weeks while his soldier tried to find a way to hold on to his buddy, but as time went on, it seemed less and less likely, and every extra day Kemo was in a cage was worse than it's predecessor for the soldier. He asked for help from the rescue organization that brought him over in the first place. His soldier asked that we help find Okemo a new soldier to care for him.
Enter me.
I found out about adopting Afghan rescues (almost no dogs are treated worse/are in greater need of rescue than the dogs of Afganistan) through the Rescue Organization, Nowzad Dogs, which helped facilitate his travel out of AFG and into the loving hands of the Guardians of Rescue. Then, I saw the pictures of this little goof, heard about his personality, and embarked on a 32 hour round-trip drive to New York to pick him up and bring him home.
Nowadays, aside from not being able to take him out during normal hours, he lives a pretty awesome life. He sleeps in a TempuPedic bed, watches Animal Planet when I'm in class or at work, and gets routine midnight park time (unless anyone else is already there with their normal, non-blood-thirsty dogs).
Any other rescue stories out there?
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